Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project #2: The Kitchen Island

Welcome back to Project #2: The dreaded Kitchen Island. 

Now everyone has a place in their home where stuff collects everyday. For most people it's the dining room table, for me it's the kitchen island. It drives me freaking nuts, because I love to cook from scratch and I need all the room I can get. Shoot, the whole reason why we bought this house is because I fell in love with the kitchen and that HUGE island! So why do I let it get more and more cluttered? Million dollar question.
So here's what I did!

 Step one: Put any clean dishes and all foods away

I got out my blue plastic bowls and put the tomatoes, apples, and lemons in them. I put them there because one, I don't have enough room in the fridge for them. Two, tomatoes should be left out of the fridge anyway. And three, It looks pretty! And I'm more likely to use them if they are there where I can see them.

Step 2: Find a place for the mail to go

This is one of those mesh desktop organizing thingies. I nailed mine to the wall, because hey! why take up space on the counter? Now I won't lose that bill I need, or be searching for a pen anymore. It's also a good spot for the sunglasses too. Bonus!

Step 3: Wipe off the crumbs and admire how much room you've got again. Talk about counter space!

Step 4: Break out the spray!

Now I make my own, and have been for several months. I was using the "green" all purpose cleaner, but it was getting expensive, so I looked for an alternative. Turns out Vinegar and Water is all you really need!  Vinegar is a natural disinfectant.

 Now I got real tired of the smell of vinegar really quick, so I looked for other things I can do to make it smell better. Well, you can add a few drops of Lavender essential oil (which would be lovely, but I don't have any, nor the money to buy some) but I found two things that are really nice! Here at the Little Brick Ranch blog, she shows you how to infuse your vinegar with orange peels. 
You can use any kind of citrus peel. 

I, on the other hand, didn't have any citrus peels at the time, but I learned that Thyme is also a natural disinfectant. So I put some vinegar in a mason jar, added about a tablespoon or two of dried time and let it sit for about 2 weeks, stirring it once a day. You know it's done when the vinegar doesn't smell like vinegar anymore!

I then added half the jar, which I guess is about a cup full, to my spray bottle and filled the rest with tap water. MMMMmmmmm, smells so herby! Like I was just cooking!

Edit: I've gotten a huge response about my Thyme infused vinegar spray, and I just wanted to add this in...
Don't forget to strain the herbs out before you add it to your bottle!
But I'm sure you knew that already.
You're welcome. :o)

Step 5: Spray spray spray!!

One thing I love about my spray is that it lifts up and shows dirty spots I didn't see before. This one looks like a milk spot, and it'll just wipe away beautifully.

Step 6: Stand in awe. 

Great job! Now I can easily make meals for my family and not worry about not having enough elbow room.

How did your Kitchen Island/ or dining room table turn out? Did you find a home for everything? Don't forget to go through that mail and find a place for those bills. The wall is your canvas! 

Until next time!

With Love,


  1. Ooooh, great job on that kitchen island, and thank you for sharing the recipe for your herb cleaner, I don't like the smell of vinegar much either! (Well, who does, anyway?) Our clutter hot-spot is on top of the books on the bookshelf, very strange place, but it just seems to be where things pile up!

    1. Thank you very much! I don't think I'll ever go back to buying all purpose cleaner again. Who would if it works so well and it's so cheap to make? Oh, if you haven't already, check out my latest posting showing how well the spray works on my stove top.

      I checked out your blog! You have so many wonderful ideas and I'm eager to try some of them with my own children.

      Thank you for stopping by! I hope you will visit me again in my journey of surviving clutter!

  2. This is such an awesome post! :) GREAT job tackling that hot spot - I have so many in my house, and in a small home it adds up FAST!! Don't you just love seeing all that open space on your counter? It is like your counter is just asking to be used! :) Love it! I am going to give the vinegar/thyme trick a try too. :)

    1. Thank you KR! You are right! With all that counter space I'm thinking of actually making that upside down pineapple cake my husband is dying for me to bake for him.

      Oh do I know what you mean about a small house and everything piling up so fast! I'm right there with you! I do hope you enjoy the Thyme infused vinegar you're going to make. It's the best!

      Thank you for stopping by! I hope you will visit me again for more inspiration and support in my journey of Surviving the Clutter!
