Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Plastic Roses!

Are you like me and LOVE those plastic bags you get from the grocery store? I use them for desposing kitty poo, dirty diapers, putting an on the go project, all kinds of things!

Well, they take up a lot of room don't they? I even have one of those pretty fabric tubes that supposed to hold them, but it just doesn't hold enough.

Well, I saw on youtube a long time ago, and forgive me because I can't seem to find the video again, on how to make what I like to call Plastic Roses.

Step 1: Start with a big bag full of plastic bags.

Step 2: Make a tube.

With two fingers on one hand, hold the handles. With the other hand, grasp at the handles and squeeze all of the air out of the bag. One fell swoop and your other hand should be at the opposite end of the bag.

Step 3: Wrap!

With two fingers at the bottom of the bag and two fingers through the handle end, wrap the bag around the two fingers at the bottom of the bag. If you've done it right the handles should be twisted like the picture.

Step 4: Wrap the wrap!

Taking the loop made with the handles, wrap it over and around the ball made around your fingers.

Step 5: Remove

Take your fingers out and you now have a plastic rose! Ready to be thrown into a diaper bag, or stored away for a later use.

Step 6: Repeat with the rest of the bags!

If you find that the handle loop is not tight enough, just twist it a few more times.

I added the above to my collection. I probably have about 75 in the bag. When I get too many bags for me to use, then I donate them to my local thrift store. They are always in need of bags!

Here I have my stash hanging up on the end of my bookcase in the laundry room. It's perfect for the quick grab when kitty has made a big stink in the cat box.

Go try it! I know you must have some bags begging for you to make them in to roses!

With Love,


  1. so clever! definitely takes up less space that way! our shop accepts them back for recycling, but this is a great way to store the few I do keep to use as binbags!

  2. this is awesome... I will be doing this

    1. Yea! I converted another one to better and beautiful storage.

      Thank you for visiting me and I hope you will come back often for more inspiration!
