Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Organize your Christmas Lights!

Hey everyone! While decluttering the stuff from the laundry room I found some Christmas lights that didn't make it back into the Christmas box. Well, I had been kicking myself for not finding this on The Chive sooner, but finding these MIA lights today means I get to try it out!

Step 1: Get a coat hanger.

I found that the kind with the notches in it is PERFECT for slipping the plug onto 
so it's easier to wrap the lights

Step 2: Wrap

I started at one end and worked my way across 
and then tucked in the end back through a previous wrap.

Step 3: Store

You can hang them up some place or put them nice and neat in the ol' Christmas box. You'll thank me this Christmas when you won't have to untangle those beautiful lights!

Have fun!

With Love,


  1. Replies
    1. I remember my dad shelling out around $15 for the fancy plastic board for the Christmas one year. It was better than dad cursing out the tangled ball of lights, but a free coat hanger to do the same job? Shoot, you can't beat that!

  2. Whoa... that's a good idea! Thanks!

