Thursday, April 5, 2012

Part 2 of Project #1- Declutter

Here we go! Declutter time!!

Step 1: Get ready with a couple of bags. 

One for trash and one for give away. You can do another one for items you want to sell, but in all honestly for me, I'll never find time to sell. It'll end up just sitting there cluttering my home. So I get rid of it, or find a home for it in the house.

Step 2: Categorize the contents

I found that tip from 

Top Five Organizing Mistakes - with Gayle Goddard, the Clutter Fairy

So that's what I did. And when you do that you suddenly have an easier way of seeing what you have and you can easily knock out a pile of like things, instead of switching tracks in you brain the whole time. 

So for me, I gave away all of the dolls except for two of them, because they are from my childhood and I want to give them to my kids. 

Out of this pile all I kept was the 2 dolls, the box of jewelry I made, the purple sketch pad and the green blanket.

Which I immediately found a use for! Looks better already, and we haven't even organized underneath yet!

Step 3: Repeat repeat repeat step 2 until you have got through all the boxes, bags and what not. 

Remember to not think too hard about what you are going through. It's just stuff. It feels good to have it, but keep in mind what you want your home to look like. When you put something in the keep pile, have an idea where it's home is going to be.  

So during this process of purging try really hard to give/throw away 2/3s or more than what you keep. Think of it as throwing away your past hurts and fear. When you give something away, think of it as putting a smile on someones face, making the world a little bit happier. 


You are becoming a stronger person with each discarded item. Can you just feel the light of healing beaming on you? It's like stepping out in the warm sunshine after sitting in a really cold building. Gives me warm fuzzies.


Oh, and since I took everything off of the laundry room floor, I went ahead and put the 4 bags of canned goods that I had on the floor away.

Looks pretty doesn't it?

There you have it! Now don't worry if you can't put away everything that's in your keep pile right away. We're going to go through the keep pile later when we are putting the stuff in their homes and we are going to try to pair down, give/throw away again. Trust me, you will thank me later. Just put what you want to keep in a box and set aside. 

Until the next project, take care!

With Love,

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