Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

I'm so excited to blog today about our 4th of July crafts we did. I found all of these (except for the free form fireworks) off of Pinterest and just couldn't wait to to have Thing 1 and Thing 2 try them out. They we're just as excited as I was!

American flags

Constuction paper in red, white, and blue
White pompoms

Cut white paper into strips and glue onto red paper.
Cute a square from blue paper and glue in upper left hand corner
Glue pompoms onto blue square for the stars

Pipe cleaner Sparklers

Red, white and blue pipe cleaners for handle
Iridescent, gold, red, and blue pipe cleaner for sparks

Twist together red, white and blue pipe cleaners, set aside
Fold in half, pinch loop, and then open into a V the sparkler pipe cleaners
Take all the V pipe cleaners together and fold over the handle into the ditch of the V
Twist handle to secure

Hand print Eagles

Paint in brown, off white, yellow, and orange

Paint each hand brown and place together on paper = body and wings
Make fist and paint side of hand and pinky finger off white = head and neck
Dip finger in orange paint and draw legs
Use brush to paint eye and beak

Free Form Fireworks

Paint of all colors and some fingers

Dip fingers in paint and make a firework show. Don't forget to make the sounds!

 Thing 1 used one finger and explored what color the colors would turn as he mixed them all.

 Thing 2 used one finger for each color to keep the colors pure.

Mama had fun doing her own decorating too!

I hope you enjoyed your holiday as much as we did!

With Love,