Friday, May 24, 2013

Pirate Unit- Flags

We are taking a break from the ocean, as we are heading out to sea with Marlin and about to meet Dory, and decided to learn about the Pirates that sail on top of these waters.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are really into this unit! In fact they have found every pirate movie and tv show we own or is on Netflix. After diving into a few pirate books from the library, we were off on an adventure.

First we made Pirate bandannas and eye patches.

The bandannas are a large square I cut from some fabric I had and then I got out the puffy paint (that takes me back to my childhood in the 80's) and painted on a skull and cross bones. To identify who is who's, for Thing 1 he also got a shamrock for luck and Thing 2 got a heart for love.

The eye patches are just black foam cut out to look like a patch, with two holes (diagonally from each other works best)  and black yarn to tie them on. The kids wore them for about 2 minutes and promptly hid them from me.

Also, today we looked at all the different kinds of pirate flags, discussed why the pirate would chose certain icons and why it would be scary to anyone hauling treasure on their ship, and also how the skull and crossbones are still used today as a sign for poison. Little safety lesson thrown in courtesy of the Jolly Roger!

After we looked at all kinds of pirate flags, Thing 1 and 2 made their own.

Thing 1

Thing 2 

Thing 1 is my minimalist. However, according to him the blob in the middle is a bloody red skull and the blob falling off the flag is a boot. 
I think it looks like a talking head spewing out jewels, but that's just me.

Thing 2, however, is my extravagant 'I-have-to-hid-everything-so-she'll-stop' artist, and she put on the entire booty on her flag. It's been several hours and it's still not dry enough to hang up yet. Sure is sparkly though!

Tomorrow I plan on having them cut out and assemble their pirate ship, which will float on top of the water on their doors, and sometime this next week we'll go on a treasure hunt! My in-laws are coming for a 2 week visit this Tuesday, so I know they are going to be helping out with the treasure hunt!

Arrr Matey!

With Love,

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