Saturday, April 27, 2013

Plant Study- Part 2

So let me tell you about the rest of our plant study! 

Week 3: Stems and Trunks

In this week we talked about the different kinds of stems and tree trunks. There are special stems like the dandelions plants whose stems have that icky sticky white stuff called dandelion milk or latex, woody stems like roses, and then there are vine like stems that run along the ground and grow a new plant every few inches like the strawberry plant. There are other kinds of stems too, like the underground tubers, crawling vines, and even cactus (also known as a succulent)!

With the tree trunks we talked about the tree rings and how you can not only count how old the tree is by counting the rings, but also know when there was droughts or an abundance of water by how thin or thick the ring is! We also talked about the different kind of bark on the trees, how some is really thin like birch, or scaly like our oak and mountain ceder, and how cinnamon is a very tasty and spicy bark!

Craft: Leaves and Stem

The kids cut out their own two leaves and a stem and we added it to our growing plant on their doors. Looks like the two baby leaves that you see when the seed first sprouts!

Week 4: Leaves, Flowers and Fruit.

Yeah I know I said that I was going to have my plant study take up 5 weeks instead of 4, but the kids blasted through so much so quickly we finished it a week early! Ah the joys of homeschooling. Schedules are flexible!

Craft: Flower

I cut out their circles and petals, but they got to glue it all together. Don't you just love the bead "seeds"?

Added it to their doors with some more stem.

And we are done with plants! 

Doesn't it look great?

We sure had fun with this study and I hope that we have inspired you!

With Love,

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