Saturday, April 13, 2013

Organizing the laundry/craft/homeschool resource room Update!

You may remember when I first started this blog, it was about decluttering. Remember the laundry room?

Remember the blanket over the bookshelves?

Want to see what's under it today?


I love the plastic shoe boxes. I wrote on an index card what was in the box and voilĂ ! instant organization.

I love how I can grab a box or two of what I need and go. Then when we're done, it goes right back into it's home and the blanket covers it back up again.

Now to keep my 3 year old artist out of it is another story...

With Love,


  1. Your craft stuff looks great!! I'm on mission organization of my house and I'm finding it cathartic (and I'm getting a LOT of stuff out of the house!)

    1. Thank you! I tell you, I still struggle big time with holding on to stuff because of that "I'm going to need this" feeling and letting things go, because I simply don't have the room for it. But when you get right down to it, when you can finally organize it in a way that you know where everything is, and you're not going to step on something or spend 20 minutes trying to find that one thing, then all the stuff you have gotten rid of that you thought was so important, in reality isn't as important as the peace of mind you get from visual cleanliness.

      I wish you well on your journey to a beautiful and organized home!
