Tuesday, April 29, 2014

When Life Starts Again

Hi again everyone!

I have taken nearly a year long rest, and it was very much needed. My husband, who was working two jobs, quit one last July (about when I stopped blogging) and we've been adjusting since then to make it on one paycheck.

With that being done, he has gone back to school to get his Masters in Accounting (yea!!), we've plodded along in our homeschooling, and we are in our spring both weather and marriage wise.

It's nice to have my husband back into the picture. God is good!

With that being said, I have been searching for a way to organize all those workbook papers without having to pull out what I need for the week every. single. week. So I searched pinterest and this is what I found!

Have you ever had those moments when something so ingenious is so blatantly obvious that you just want to smack yourself for not thinking of it? That would be this girl.

Well, what it is is you take your 40 folders and mark one for each week, then you take ALL of your workbooks and divvy them up for what you want them to do for each week, then you place them into the appropriate folder. BOOM. Done. Never have to do it again.

Now, what I do for each week is take it out all the papers in said week and put them in their subject folders. They know they have the whole week to do them. If they don't, it gets pushed on to the next week. (Don't worry, about the 20th week you'll mostly run out of workbooks). If they get it done or even get it done early, then they don't have to do any more for that week!

Awesome deal if I so say so myself.

Even though I live in a state where I don't have to do so, I wanted to have some kind of record for what the kids are doing, but I wanted something that's quick, easy, and for everyday. So with a bit more pinteresting, I found LARRY ZAFRAN! This guy is a genius. 

Now, you can buy the record book here for less that $6, but if your like me and are too impatient then you can print out his sample 180 times. Oh, I got a new fancy printer with toner instead of ink a couple of months ago. That and the laminator have been my two best friends. :-)

The page is very simple. You have one for each day, there's 20 subjects on it from reading, math, down to hobbies, and you just simply fill in a blip of what you child did that day. Easy Peasy. Boom. Done.

Well friends, I'm excited about blogging again. I can't wait to start putting up pictures of all the fun things we are doing on our journey. Thank you for walking down this road with us!

With Love,

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